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Friday, February 4, 2011

valentine goodies

I wanted to put together a collection of Valentine's gifts that strike my fancy as a way to kick off some very vday posts coming up next week. It's going to start with a little collection of vintage Valentines and end with some craftiness.

Here are a few things I found on etsy that I wouldn't mind giving or getting on February 14th.

For a bold Valentine statement, think initials, duos, and sweet words for that special someone.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

These were just a few of my favorite finds for this Valentine's Day. Nothing overly hearted or frilly. Just some things that remind me of having that other person and being part of a pair. :)

Happy Friday!


  1. Oh, I have been admiring that last necklace for months now! It's so adorable. And the hedgehog is just darling. I hope you get one of these for your lovely Valentine's Day.

  2. Thanks! That necklace is definitely a favorite of mine too. It's too cute! :)

  3. Ooh, definitely in love with that hedgehog print! Hmm...might need to steal that one for myself!

  4. oh! the spoons! i love them.
    thank you for sharing.



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