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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

hair dye fever

If you've known me for the past five years, you know I can't go very long with one hair color. Basically, I've been told I was born with red hair, it was brown by the time I left the hospital, and turned blonde a few months later. And blonde it remained for the next 18 years of my life. Judging by my hair's own indecisiveness when I was born, it's no surprise to me that as a young adult, this urge to change hair colors would reawaken in me and never settle down.

At 18, after being tired of paying upwards of $150 every month and half for highlights, I decided to do something drastic. I died my hair dark brown with a reddish tint. It was the most drastic thing I probably could do being in a private Catholic high school. But even this change from blonde to brown shocked just about everyone I knew. (Apologies in advance for the awful image quality.)

Taken 3 days before I dyed my hair.

This is me January of senior year before a formal.

After that, I was hooked. When I started college, I died my hair black.

I have zero good photos of myself with black hair so enjoy the side of my head :).

Shortly after, I added pink extensions.

Yea. I went through "this" phase. Sorry about the blur.

Tired of the black, I decided to go back to brown, but shorty after decided to start bleaching my hair. (My hair probably hated me at this point.) Oh and I chopped a bunch off.

This was actually a happy accident.

Eventually I got it all bleached and rocked the platinum thing for a while.

And a pomp.

Then it was time for more color. Blue this time.

This is actually way more blue than I intended on having but hey, go big or go home I guess!

I eventually bleached all the blue out, got tired of bleaching, and went back to the dark brownish red.

Crop from one of Charlie's photoshoots. :)

Then I wanted to go all red.

Desperately needing my bangs cut at my senior show.

And since red is such a royal pain to maintain, I went back to dark brown and have been that way for a while. (A while= less than a year.) :)

Present day.

And that is my array of hair colors from 2006-2011.

But I've got the urge for change again. That urge that can only be cured by a fresh color I've never tried before. This time, it's copper. Or natural red. Or whatever you would like to call it. :)

I've been compiling some inspiration because I really want to do it right. Here's some examples of the end result I would like to achieve. Some are a little darker than what I want but I like looking at the variation so I can find the *perfect* shade.

1 2 3 4

Just some of the many I've seen. I think when the weather gets warmer this will be on my agenda.

Anyone else out there who can't keep a hair color for more than a few months? What colors are you feeling right now?


  1. Those inspiration photos are all so lovely! I went on a hair dying/bleaching spree for a few years and now am actually letting my natural color grow out. It is so odd.

  2. Oh this reminds me of myself! haha. It was a couple of different colors and weird highlights haha. Now it's light brown.. ha. But if we don't get it out of our system now, when will we ever do it?

  3. My mom owns a salon so I've been dyeing my hair since I was 12. I wish I can remember what the real color looks like. If I could pull off that red above I totally would do it. I'm an indie biz student so thought I was stop in and say hi. :)

  4. I dyed my hair quite a bit in high school/early college, but calmed down once I hit my 20s. I've had it red for about a year now, and still love it, although I think I'm going to need another drastic change soon! All of your colors are so pretty - I'm looking forward to seeing it red!

  5. You looked great as a red head! (that maybe because I love redheads and I wish I could pull it off)

    I've only ever had dark brown to black hair, but IF I could I would go blonde or red headed. But sadly that would never happen due to my tan skin. I would not look good!


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