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Thursday, February 10, 2011

mug cake

I decided to tackle the infamous mug cake today since I've been doing research for the dessert I want to make for Valentine's Day. This is a quick and easy thing you could make after going out to dinner or while watching a movie with your guy.

I was actually kind of amazed that it tasted as good as it did. I like to save money as much as the next person but I'm always skeptical when something is "too cheap". I also get this way about food that is "too easy". But I was pleased! And it was made even better by this super quick cream cheese frosting I whipped up with it.

You go from this..

to this..

in five minutes or less. Not too shab. Or as the good people of bloggerland would say.. amazeballs. :)

I got really nervous about how high this thing rose out of the mug but it just went straight up and didn't fall or anything so don't be too alarmed when watching it grow. There was just one single chocolately drip down the front of the mug but that was it.

I originally tried to style the frosting on the other side to look really nice so I could shoot the clean side of the mug but I sort of fell in love with the little drip and embraced it. I think that's some weird designer thing, falling in love with a drip. What can I say.

I like how it looks a little like an ice cream sundae too!

Hopefully I have time to get my planned craft done for tomorrow as it's the culmination of my week of Valentine posts but we shall see. This week has been busier than I thought it would. I guess it's because I'm now in the full swing of grad school and I'm trying to prepare for the Praxis at the same time. :/

Maybe I should relax and have some chocolate cake. ;)

Chocolate Mug Cake

recipe adapted slightly from Group Recipes

4 tbsp flour
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp baking cocoa
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 egg
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp oil
splash of vanilla

In a large mug combine all dry ingredients and mix well. Add egg and mix well. Add milk, oil, and vanilla and stir until combined. Put it in the microwave for 2 1/2 - 3 minutes. (Mine was done at 2 1/2.) Top with anything you like and enjoy!


  1. oh my gosh! i so need to try this!
    peace. love. create.

  2. Can I just tell you, I just found your blog and am completely IN LOVE with it! I have been poking around for like the last 30 mins! Love all your recipes and the lovely things you post!

    This chocolate cake looks heavenly!!! ♥♥♥

  3. Victoria.. Super easy, give it a try!

    Jihee.. Thanks for taking a look around! I'm glad you like it!


  4. This looks so amazingly yummy! I'm a sucker for mud cake, so I can't see why this mug cake wouldn't do the trick on me ;)
    xxx mervi


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