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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

autumnal equinox

The official first day of fall, or the Autumnal Equinox, is this Friday. With that in mind, I wanted to put down somewhere a list of fall-specific things I'd like to experience before fall is over. I kind of failed the 30 Days of Lists challenge because I keep getting too backed up and don't want to bombard you with 1000 lists at once, but this is a list I really want to make. That way I can refer back to it and try to remember everything I want to do, giving me a better chance to get it done. :)

To Do in the Fall

1. read three more non-school books (at least)
2. pick apples
3. pick pumpkins
4. carve said pumpkins
5. dress up for halloween
6. do something fun like a hayride or ghost tour
7. try some recipes that call for squash + pumpkin
8. go for walks + take photos of the changing scenery
9. make homemade apple butter
10. sew an article of cold weather clothing for myself

I love watching my tree right outside the window from the beginning of September until mid November. For me, it's always the first real signs of fall. First the red berries start growing and slowly but surely, the leaves start changing from green to red. Some are anxious and just change all at once while the others grow a red edging and change from the outside in.

Love it.

What's on your fall to do?


  1. I actually made an Autumnal To-Do list as well! I hope you don't mind me sharing the link. >.< I know it's kind of spammy, but it's the easiest way to share, I think. I hope you like!

    And yay, I love seeing someone who is as excited for Autumn as we are!

  2. Uh, I think I'm just going to adopt your list. It's just too awesome!


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