Molly was my boyfriend Charlie's dog for almost 15 years. He had her for a looong time. Needless to say she was an old lady. She had her share of medical problems and we all pretty much new she didn't have much time left with us but she was still so full of life. She still danced for her food and pitter pattered around the house between naps.
The worst part about this whole thing is that Charlie left for New York yesterday afternoon for a photo shoot and Molly was gone by yesterday evening. She got sick and his parents took her to the hospital and when she wasn't getting better, they sent her to the pet E.R. where she eventually passed on. I'm not sure about the specifics, it may have all just been age related. But because Charlie wasn't there to say goodbye, he feels even worse now. We talked three different times last night and texted in between that.
He kept me updated while everything was happening and then called to tell me the bad news. It was one of those things where it takes a while to sink it. At first he sounded bummed, but generally okay. Each time I talked to him though he sounded worse and worse. I felt awful that he was away and I couldn't be there for him. The best I could do was listen and offer as many comforting thoughts as I possibly could. We talked about how it's funny that you can be totally prepared for these things yet still end up shocked. We all expected this to happen soon but it still came as a blow. I think it's easy to say you'll be okay when it happens until you actually have to face it.
I've never had a dog and Molly was certainly the closest I've ever come to it. Just like I see his family members as my own family, I saw Molly as a family member too. I didn't think I'd be as affected as I am but I spent a lot of time with her over these past five years that I've known Charlie.
I think I'm going to do a separate post with some more photos and some memories of her because this post is getting a little lengthy and the photo above is the only one I have on my computer. I'll grab some from Charlie when he gets home because I know he has a ton of good ones.
Charlie comes home tomorrow so I probably won't be posting until the weekend so that I can just be there for him. If you feel like leaving some comforting words for my guy in the comments I know he'd really appreciate reading them. He's feeling pretty bad about being away and not getting those last few minutes in. He's going through a lot of "should've done this" or "could've done that". It's just heartbreaking to hear.
So if you're still with me through this wordy post, thanks for taking the time to read both the good and the bad here on my little blog. That's what life is though right?