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Friday, March 18, 2011

pinstripes + wingtips

This little collection was inspired by an item I saw in an Etsy treasury. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. It was this little shave kit here from Dirty Deeds Soap. With that in mind, I put together a little curation for the dudes this time. Well, more for the ladies to enjoy and maybe get some gift ideas for their guys because I think the only guy that reads this is my own. ;) And that's probably for the best because it's pretty girly 'round these parts.

This is what I like when it comes to dude style. Can you tell my heart belongs to a decade long gone? :)

{clockwise from top left 1 2 3 4 5 6}

So ladies, what do you like to see on your gents? Does a particular style do you in?

Happy Friday everyone! I can't believe the weather right now! Two days in a row with the windows open? Crazy! :)


  1. awe, my dad used to do the old fashioned shave thing with the whisker brush. i loved the smell of it afterwards. it's like pure, clean goodness. i'm with you on decades long ago love. nothing like it, even the wonderful way men would greet each other with a pat on the shoulder, a hand shake and a smile. now it's more like a slight head nod, no eye contact and a "what up dude" ug!

    i want refinement and common courtesy please. love this selection doll, great stuff!!!! happy you've got some good weather goin' on and wish you a fab weekend for it to continue. ♥

  2. haha I totally agree. Where did having manners and being civil go? :)


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