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Monday, March 14, 2011

april showers baby blanket

Finally done! It's only a tiny baby blanket but it's still satisfying to see it in one piece after toting around a pile of granny squares and a bag of yarn everywhere I go.

I'm kind of excited to start one for myself now. Since I want to make it huge though.. like queen bed size.. I think I'll make it a long labor of love and not really give myself a deadline for it so I can take my time and fit in a few squares when I have downtime. That way I don't get too caught up in it and can get other things done. :)

I made this one 25 squares (5x5) so it'd be a nice size to wrap a baby in or to set a toddler down on, but there wouldn't be too much excess all around. I bordered it with the dark gray to give a nice finished edge.

I'm happy with how it turned out. I think the momma will like it too!

Happy Monday! Sadly my spring break is over and now I have to go to class.

Hope everyone's week is starting well!


  1. These colors are absolutely stunning together!!

  2. lucky mama and baby! beautiful.

  3. That's so pretty! I'm just about to start one for a friends baby myself so yours is good motivation for me!

  4. i love these colours!! how long does it take you to do a granny square? I think im the slowest crocheter in the whole wide world

  5. Oh goodness - that's gorgeous! Love the colours. I plan to attempt one of these at some point, it's on The List and everything!

  6. Thanks ladies!!

    Hearthandmade.. I think it takes me around 10-15 minutes for four layer squares like these? I actually tried to time myself sometimes to see how many more I could do in a given time. Depends on how distracted I was. ;)

  7. This blanket is so lovely.

    The photos are great too!

    wonderful presentation



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