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Monday, February 6, 2012

i spy: conversation hearts

I've been seeing some interesting twists lately on the old V Day standby, the conversation heart. Here are some I especially loved and wouldn't mind enjoying in place of the little boxed sugar hearts we've all known and loved since elementary school.


And how about the quilt in the pillow photo? Bonus eye candy. I also have one more thing to share with you today.. the winner of Megan's giveaway!

 And the randomly drawn number is..

 ..number one! Congrats Heather! Expect an email soon with the details of your prize!

Hope you're all having a great Monday!

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  1. Cuuuute! i love the cake pops and the little stickers most. thanks for sharing! xo

  2. I'm in love with the cake pops and the necklace!

    Yay! I won :)

  3. HA! That necklace is too cute! and that banner! Makes me think back to elementary school with exchanging gifts, and cards, and heart candies. :)


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