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Monday, January 9, 2012

catalogued: snow day

With a fresh year starting and a fresh blog layout, I decided I wanted to start some fresh new series on the blog as well. I've always liked blogs that had their "regular" posts carefully woven in between everyday posts. It gives you something to expect and look forward to, and I think it ties things together nicely. 

I've thought long and hard about series that I would have fun doing and that would have the potential to grow and change with the seasons and with life. The series I would like to introduce today is called Catalogued. It's where I will basically catalogue things of a certain category and create little mood boards with items I love.

The first Catalogued post is about a topic on my brain a lot these days. I am wishing and hoping for a snow day to come along soon! I'm not one of those people who gets giddy over spring-like temperatures during January. I love snow and snow days, and all the lazy, warm, cozy things that come along with them! There's plenty of time for spring weather in the spring folks. ;)

I kind of had a pretend snow weekend and ignored the unseasonably warm weather. Charlie and I just took it easy and relaxed under blankets, drank hot chocolate, and of course, I wore my slipper boots. :) It was lovely. And have you ever tried a WoodWick candle? The wooden wick actually crackles and pops like a log in a fireplace!

How do you like to spend a snow day? (Even if it's a pretend one!)

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  1. What an adorable idea! i love those initial mugs, i've been searching for the perfect mug with a K on it for too long, thanks for sharing! xo

  2. Oh, I love this series!!! <3 I gotta say, while I DO love warm weather in January - I do love snowy, relaxing days and nights too. I must try a WoodWick candle! :o Also, that hot chocolate packaging is amazing!!!

  3. I too love when a blog has a series you can look forward to too! I actually started 2 (possibly a sporadic 3rd) on my blog with the new year. It was stupid warm here this weekend too but after the holiday and crafting non stop since September, I made sure to do absolutely nothing but lay in bed and on the couch watching movies all day yesterday!! It's always nice to have a day to relax and rejuvenate for the week!

  4. What a great idea! I think I need those boots and hot cocoa mix and I love the color scheme you have chosen too. =) Fun!


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