Just a quick little crafty post to get the day started! I pulled out the yarn for a bigger project but I wanted to try something quick and easy that I've been seeing across the webs for a while now. It's a super easy way to make a necklace, some garland, or whatever else you could think to do with it. Make it as long or short as you want! I think it'd also be a good way to put some leftover yarn remnants to use.
I went with this tutorial because it was very easy to understand and I really liked the added button to make it something special. I don't think I could've done a better tute without pretty much copying it so I'll just send you over to Design Seedz and you can check it out yourself!
Just find some yarn you have laying around and get those fingers going! I delved into my collection of vintage buttons for this one and found a pretty flower button to add. Go to town!
I think I like wearing it with one of my big chain-y necklaces. There's a nice contrast between the wool and metal chains.
I'm trying really hard to fill this week with posts. I don't want to get busy and end up eating my words but I'm going away for a long weekend up the mountains from Friday to Sunday and then a short beach trip from Monday to Thursday. I start fall classes Thursday night! Eeek! So I really want to get some goodies up before I leave for almost a week.
On the plus side, I finished my online math class as of noon yesterday *major sigh of relief*. On the neg side, my "maybe it'll workout secret plan" I mentioned probably last post totally bombed. All I'd like to say about that is thank you college, from the bottom of my heart. I'm so glad I paid a bajillion dollars to attend you and you can't even do me a small favor now. Way to look out for your own. If I am ever in the position to donate large sums of money to a school, I will not be sending any to your dumb butt. I send you my good riddance from grad school.
Hope everyone's week is starting off beautifully! It feels like fall in Philly today! Loving every second of it. :)