This year I picked up a vintage blue glass ball jar for myself. It was the only one there and I've been wanting to get my hands on one for a while.
As part of a housewarming gift, I got Charlie this vintage movie camera to go with his ever-growing vintage camera collection. I was so happy when I saw this one there because I knew he didn't have a movie one yet. 15 bucks. Mega score.
It's from 1956 and seems to be in perfect working condition so hopefully we can find some film for it and have some fun!
It has all of the original paperwork in the box and lens caps and everything. The woman who sells these takes amazing care of her things. All the original packaging is pretty immaculate for being almost 60 years old.
We picked up some jams and preserves at the farmer's market and I spied a stack of packaged honeycombs and had to grab one. I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet but I was fascinated by it and will find some sort of use for it. Any suggestions? I've actually seen a recipe or two that called for a honeycomb, but can I find them now? Of course not.
My mom also grabbed a jar of honey and asked the guy if it was local. I laughed a little, having a flashback of the restaurant scene in Portlandia. :)
Other than that I've been helping Charlie get his new place together which is coming along nicely. We hung some artwork last night and it's looking cozier by the minute. Hope everyone's summer is going well. Who knew it was July already?! Jeeez.
Way. Too. Cool. I love all things folk, vintage, and sweet.