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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

done and done

Last night was my last class for the six week summer semester. I did a quick count and figured out I wrote a whopping 25 papers for that class. That's around four a week. Crazy! I've never done anything like it. But you know what? I didn't mind it. I learned so much from that class and I kept telling myself "it's only 6 weeks and then it's done." And it is. And I am so happy. I finally have some time to myself. So you know what the first thing I did was? I'll give you a hint.

Time to dye my hair! This blog isn't the only thing that got neglected. My poor hair had about two inches of gnarly roots and *gulp* some silver strands. :( I think this year has just taken a toll on me. So much stress and anxiety. But everything has been progressively getting better and things are lookin up! So three boxes of bleach later and I'm halfway done my hair. This is where I'm at now. Don't laugh. It's a bit of a gradient at the moment.

The bottom is still wet so it looks darker than it is, which is probably a dark strawberry blonde. the top is pretty much white and there's streaks of orange here, there, and everywhere. If you recall back to this post on my ever changing hair color, my next step is to go that sort of natural orangey-red. I've done just about everything else. Check it.

Here's the back view. I have the linen closet door open which has a mirror on it so I can see the back of my head. That's how I color my hair myself.

Not far from the color I'm going for to begin with. I just wanted to lighten it up from the dark brown before doing the red. The bleach I used is Manic Panic Flash Lightning. It's the only kind I've ever used and it works really well. I left it on for a little under an hour and it got this light. I used three boxes which was perfect for my length. I remembered that when my hair was only shoulder length, it took two boxes to cover it. I would've gotten more than three this time but that's all they had in the store. Thankfully, it was just enough.

Obviously your roots will get a lot lighter than the ends so you want to make sure you leave it on long enough to lighten the ends as much as you need. But I wouldn't leave it on for more than the recommended time. That is if you could even make it that long because after a while it tends to feel like a bag of fire ants on your head. :)

I'll probably let this finish drying and then finish up with the dye. Hoping for the best since I've never tried this color before! Is it weird that I almost want to leave it like this? I have such an urge to grab my pinks and blues that are hiding in the back of my hair-things drawer. Someone stop me! Since I'm going to become a teacher and need a "respectable" hair color, I have this thought that I might do something crazy to my hair during the summers just to get it out of my system. :) Who knows.


  1. Fun! Yeah you should try pink and blue strands for the summer. That'd be cool. :)

  2. Ohlala, that gradient is quite a pretty one! can't wait to see how it turns out :)


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