In thinking about what to make for my shop, I've decided to give an old project a new life. In my fabric printing class as an undergrad, we got an assignment to create a 2 yard print based on any kind of a map. After looking through tons of map images for some inspiration, I decided to make a map of air traffic.
I'm really happy with the way it turned out as it was one of my first prints but now it's just sitting in a drawer with some other projects. I've always wanted to do something with the things I made during school and I think I know what to do with this yardage now.
Since it was my first attempt at a half drop pattern, it's not perfect. There is way more white space surrounding every 10x10in image than I would have liked. I didn't measure correctly and they ended being too far apart, creating large white diagonals between diagonals of the prints. Because of this, I personally don't think if works well as a repeating print so I've been stuck on what to do with it.
I think I finally figured it out though. I want to cut the individual 10x10 prints out and make them into pillows! I figured I could make the planes the front panel and get maybe a blue canvas for the back to match the planes. [You might not be able to see it well in the pictures but they are blue :)] I'll have to see how they look when they're done but I think this could work! It makes me really happy because I hate to see things just sit and not get used when they could possibly serve a purpose.
Maybe I'll look through my old etchings too and see if there's anything good in there!
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