Does anyone else watch Boardwalk Empire? That has become our show. If you have HBO and don't watch it, I strongly suggest you check it out. It's based in Atlantic City during the prohibition era. Amazing clothes, great music, and a storyline that keeps you on your toes!
In other news, I finished my scarf finally and I love it. It gave me a good idea of how long it'll take me to make them if I want to put them in my shop. This one took me longer than it should have because I ran out of yarn and had to wait to get more and then Thanksgiving happened so I took a huge break. If I did it straight through it would've taken two days. And that's with reasonable breaks and life stuff happening.
Speaking of the shop, I finally have a goal date for getting that up. January 2011. I started typing up a list of things I wanted to accomplish business-wise, and then I started adding some personal goals. As this list started to grow, I remembered the whole "101 things in 1001" days thing that I have seen on many blogs before. So now my list has some immediate goals, like get the shop up and running and brand tenpenny splendid, and some more long term goals, like finish my master's degree. These are all things I should be able to accomplish in the 2.75 years that is 1001 days.
I kept it realistic because, while I would love to travel to Europe or renovate my dream kitchen, these things aren't likely to happen within the next three years. I'm already excited to start my next list when the time comes because it will be a whole new phase of my life. I think this will be a good thing and help me remember and reach my goals that are important to me. I'll officially start January 1, 2011 and share it here on my blog so I have a place to keep track of it.
Have any of you done this? I'd be curious to know how it helped you stick with things that may have otherwise been forgotten or pushed aside.
I don't know if this counts as a "short one" anymore, but that was my intention. :)
Have a good weekend!
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