I'm Sherry, a twenty something wife and stay at home mama who loves Jesus, crafts, photography, thrifting, and baking. I'm married to a graphic designer who works full time and we run our own photography business part time so I can stay home with our son. We are very faithful to our church where we are the youth pastor and wife. I'm obsessed with cupcakes and anything vintage.
What do you blog about?
My blog is a lifestyle blog. I blog about my life and the things I enjoy. I share my adventures in DIY projects, recipes, thrift finds, outfits, baby chronicles, and photography.
Why did you start blogging?
I never really knew what a blog was until I started planning my wedding. I found a lot of wedding inspiration through blogs so I got addicted and later started my first blog in 2008, which was about my wedding planning. Later in 2009, I deleted the blog and started a new one that would be my lifestyle blog. It has sense then grown and become Oh So Lovely.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
A lot of my inspiration comes from blogs, and magazines.
Describe your typical day.
My son, Noah wakes up at about 8:00 every morning, which is also when my husband leaves for work. I get up to take care of him first and he watches an episode of Baby Einstein while I eat breakfast and hop on the computer to check my daily blog reads, emails, and Facebook. Sometimes I'll get my post done during this time if he lets me. After his show we go to his nursery for playtime until he gets sleepy, then he goes down for a nap. While Noah naps I edit photos for our photography business (turleyphotos.com) and work on DIY projects and blog stuff. By this time Noah is ready to eat again and my husband is home for lunch. After my husband goes back to work Noah is ready to go back to bed. I work on house chores and church stuff. At 5:15 my husband gets home from work and dinner is ready on the table. We eat and then he spends time with Noah. Noah usually goes to bed for the night around 10:00 and the hubby and I spend time together watching a movie or playing a game.
What advice would you give to new bloggers?
1. It takes time, don't give up! Don't get discouraged and quit just because you get 0 comments on all your posts. It takes times to gain readers in the beginning. When I started out I wanted to quit because I was doing a lot of work and gaining no comments or readers, but they will come in time. Now, I'm getting several new followers everyday.
2. Be consistent. Don't just post once a month because readers will stop following you after a while. They want to see faithful blogging. You don't have to blog everyday, but give them enough to want to come back.
3. Have a blog design/header. If you aren't design/computer savvy there are several blog designers out there that can make your blog look awesome! This helps get readers as well. I'll just be honest here...I read well designed blogs with good content. If you have those 2 things, you have everything you need,
Are there any projects or big goals you're working on or working towards?
This year my goal has been to really focus on my blog. I love blogging and it's become part of my everyday so why not put more into it. Also, my husband and I are planning a trip to England to visit his grandma in September. So we're working towards saving a WHOLE LOT of pocket change.
Is there anything weird or funny that most people don't know about you?
Most of my friends and family know that I'm OCD about certain things and a tad bit perfectionist, so I would say the fact that I organize the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. The same color of glasses go in one row, etc. and my husband has gotten me to only eat an even amount of cookies...
Thanks Sherry!
I hope you all have a great weekend! :)
I am loving her blog! Thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feature Jess!
ReplyDeleteFab! Love your blog Sherry, particularly the design and graphics! Looks awesome!