So here's a little sneaky peak of what I've been working on. No, I couldn't have made it any smaller. ;) I just don't want to give too much away before the big reveal.
I'm actually almost done, I just ran into a temporary setback this weekend. If you follow me on Twitter, you may also have seen this..
Has anyone ever seen this before? More importantly have you ever fixed it? It doesn't effect the layout of the blog whatsoever but it makes it damn near impossible to edit anything. I have a plan B if no one knows what to do with this but I wanted to see if there was a quick fix first.
The gadgets just got all jumbled and unmanageable in the page editor. :(
And just so you know what I already tried, I logged out of Blogger, cleared my cache, shut down firefox and reopened it, signed back in to Blogger, and it was still like this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If not, on to plan B!
Hope everyone's week is going well! I have two finals left and then I'm done school for the semester. :)
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